The features and characteristics that distinguish BRM MODEL CARS from any other slot car manufacturer are various.
In BRM MODEL CARS we have an internal division that is highly specialized in this sector. We take care of the creation of the models from scratch, from the initial analysis and then through 2D and 3D modelling, production and designing, up to the complete assembly.
We apply the best technical solutions to our products, creating resistant, dynamic and aesthetically high-level slot car models which have nothing to envy to the precious collectibles.
Production and Designing
BRM MODEL CARS deals with the realization of our products checking also the smallest details such as the headlights and lenses of the models.
For such a particular process, a specialist is needed and we have the right person at BRM MODEL CARS, it’s Enrico. He is, as well, the creative mind of the company.
He owes all his experience and his manual skills solely to his determination and his technical-creative point of view. Enrico is one of those people whom childhood never wanted to leave, full of ideas and flair, necessary to give value to the work that we at BRM carry out every day. And that’s why all the static models manufacturers in various scales from all over the world purchase the BRM headlights and lenses for their products.
How are they Produced?
The BRM MODEL CARS headlights and lenses are produced by a bi-compound resinous mixture, that is given by the mix of the neutral resin trasparent and an hardener catalyst compounds. For the coloured versions we add a dye.
The mixture remains workable for only 20 minutes. It’s placed on stripes pre-cutted with standard rounded or squared sizes or even customized with various shapes, produced by BRM.
It’s dosed to these stripes using a precision micro-pipette or alternatively, but less used, the air dispenser where you have to set it carefully according to the size of the lens surface.